Thursday, December 6, 2012

The new face of HK television:HKTV

Recently, Hong Kong’s television industry has been embroiled in a hot fight over the issuance of more free-pay TV licences. Those unfamiliar to the HK industry might not know, but Hong Kong has been under a TV monopoly (1 station) for 30+ years, leaving viewers no choice but to watch dramas with repetitive story-lines with no originality. More importantly, dramas that target only a specific audience: housewives and the mainland audience. All this to get the most out of it (money-wise).  The HK government has promised 3 free-pay licenses, but still have not met their end of the bargain, dragging it out for 3 years. Now, one of the stations HKTV has released trailer promos for their latest shows. Dedication, pride, quality and a new face for HK television is in the making. We just need the bloody license. 
Part I Drama Genre’s You’ll See : love, vampires, youth,dance&music, horror, news industry, plastic surgery,
Part 2 Drama Genre’s You’ll See: police force, travel through time, kungfu, supernatural, sister rivalry, family,
I know I’m primarily an Korean-drama fan, but watching these trailers reignited that passion for HK dramas again, and even if you don’t understand what they’re saying, but appreiciate the effort they’ve done, please like their

Thank You

(click watch in youtube for a better viewing experience)


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