Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Out of Focus

I don't know what is with me and drama-watching these days. I haven't picked up or started watching the dramas I started watching ever since. There's no motivation in me to do it. There's this feeling of boredom that's tugging at me. If I start one, I may not finish it. Then there's this impulse...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Look-a-Like #3

Shin Se Kyung (신세경 )  vs. Lee Yeon Hee (이연희) Left: LYH Right: SSK Left: SSK Right: LYH Left: SSK Right: LYH Left: SSK Right: LYH I think their eyes are the most similar connection between them. I first saw  Shin Se Kyung...

Friday, July 20, 2012


Takeshi Kako- Blue Horizon (my feelings in music) I'm not a person of words, and I don't know how to express myself well. So it comes a time, where I will feel very passionate and expressive about a drama. However, when it comes to grouping my emotions and idea on screen, it becomes a hard and...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

music post

ZE:A / 후유증/ Album: Spectacular The ending song of the sitcom Stand by. Quite catc...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Look-a-Like's #2

Lee Da Hye vs. Han Hye Jin I always thought they looked similar, although they do have their contrasting qualities.  *my preference: han hye j...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

CF's galore

Natural Beauty Galore, perhaps? Baby-face Shin Mi-na for Hera...

Striking a Chord// News Edition

Kdrama news that happened recently and struck a chord with me: Lee Jun-ki , Shin Mi-na's [Arang and the Magistrate] Premiere Date Pushed Back "Though originally slated to premiere towards the end of this month was delayed due to the...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Thoughts on Hallyu [韓流]

I'm sure pretty much everyone knows a Korean music group, can name or have watched at least one Korean drama/movie and has at least one favourite celebrity? I fit the criteria of all the above. I don't remember when it actually started, it was a gradual phenomenon I suppose. Like a branch,...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Look-A-Like's #1

First post on a topic I've always wanted to post. And that is "Look-a-Likes" !I'm sure everyone has had those moments where we have to double-check our eyes to see if the person we were looking at was really who we thought they were. Although everyone's...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Han Hye Jin shoots CF: Natural Appearance shows off her 'fresh' quality

Han Hye Jin's displays her "Natural Beauty" in upcoming CF.  Recently, Han Hye Jin has been shooting for a korean cosmetic brand CF, with the concept being "Natural Beauty". For this CF, not only did she perfectly fit the concept of "natural...

Drama Schedule ["Old" Shows] // Part 2

Damo OST: Da Mo (Oboe Solo) Let's face it. Korean dramas are so plentiful, there is just not enough time to watch every single one.  Perhaps you didn't have time for a drama everyone raved about in 2009 or wanted to go back in time...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Drama Schedule [On-Air]// Part I

Big OST//Davichi: Because It's You What am I watching right now? It's a combination of recent and old! I think one of the bad 'flaws' of my drama-watching is that I'm impatient and tend to give up easily. I can watch a drama until...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Arang // Filming Progress

Since it's July 1st today, it makes me even more excited that one of my most anticipated dramas will be airing in 25 days. Here's a look at some recent updates on the [Arang] filming site! Credits:  arang FB , weibo (as shown) fanmade...