Wednesday, August 8, 2012

C-Drama: Qing Shi Huang Fei ( 傾世皇妃)

I've picked up a new drama, but it's a C-drama.

A historical C-drama: Qing Shi Huang Fei 傾世皇妃

There's a thing with C-dramas, and that is they have pretty good ancient series, but never any good modern series. So up till now, the only C-dramas I deem worthy of watching are their ancient dramas because you can see the time, money and effort they put into these. I guess you can say, you 'get your money's worth' but in a viewer's context you 'get your viewing's worth'. However, the down side to C-dramas, and mainly these historical ones are that they are LONG! I mean, over 30 episodes is already considered long for me. Second, they are inconsistent! Although it doesn't effect me that much, I was surprised at how I could watch one video that was 59 min long, and the next could be 39 min. and the next 45 min. It was weird, but I guess that's how they do it over there?

I think I'm quite invested in this drama for now. It's got a great plot-line, amazing acting, beautiful costumes and accessories, and nice scenery. It's the typical 'court-battle' inside the palace, but in a toned down way which still makes you want to watch. Of course there's still the issue of revenge, love, and rebuilding a country.

And Ruby Lin never ceases to not amaze everyone with her beauty! It's like she's never aged!

Let's see if I can finish this first though...


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